Opening times:
Monday 10.00 - 5.00pm
Tuesday 10.00 - 6.00pm
Wednesday 10.00 - 8.00pm
Thursday 10.00 - 6.00pm
Friday 10.00am –5.00pm
Please note that if an appointment is requested and accepted out of these core working hours it will be charged at £95.00 for a 50 minute session
The Natural Health Clinic Holistic Therapies, Brunel Precinct, Somerton, Somerset TA11 7PY
Nine Springs Natural Health Centre, 70 Hendford, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1UR​
Services Offered
Additional services offered:
Training Courses, Workshops, Consultancy and Group Supervision for work places
Please enquire for further details at
Email Enquiries are preferred.​
M: 07939 862412​
Please leave a message with a phone number and your email address that you would be happy for me to use along with your name and a brief description of what you would like to discuss or simply feel in the form.