Ruth Hubbard
I am a Counsellor, Coach, Mentor and Clinical Supervisor.
But what makes me more than my titles?
This is a brief introduction of who I am and why I have chosen to work in this field.
I am a carer by nature. I looked after my parents through their ill health and was privileged to be there to hold each of their hands as they departed this world.
My job history reflects this passion, from teaching in a primary school then working in a herbal medicine company and naturopathic training centre, to working helping people overcome barriers to work in a local Job Centre.
I particularly enjoyed the management and development side of my roles, these skills balance me out intellectually and practically, providing insight into, and influencing my coaching style. I loved watching the businesses grow year on year, knowing I was part of that success.
After the death of my father whom I had cared for with my mum for over 15 years during school, university, teaching and then on into my late 20's and after my divorce which followed a few years later I was able to alter my life path to reflect my true desire which is to enable, encourage and support people, and with the support of my second husband I trained as a hypnotherapist, counsellor, psychotherapist, life coach, NLP practitioner and clinical supervisor.
I often work creatively with clients and this is also how I wind down,
I make jewellery, and create with resin and pyrography and am always looking for new creative projects.
I have 5 cats and a dog and having recently moved to Somerset I am enjoying the opportunity to explore the local area.
As we all are, I am still a work in progress, I have my own personal challenges, one of which is managing a condition called fibromyalgia, but I am happy I am still learning because it means I am still alive.
I work for 2 charities as a counsellor, Alumah (Domestic Abuse in Suffolk) and Suffolk Sight (Visual impairment). I have also worked for Cruse (Bereavement) which was incredibly rewarding.
I have the support of a wise and insightful supervisor and abide by the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society's code of conduct and ethics as a Senior Accredited member.
:Relevant Qualifications and Professional Associations
Diploma in Hypnotherapy 2008
Diploma in Counselling 2009
Advanced Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy 2010
Diploma in Life Coaching 2010
NLP Practitioner 2019
Clinical Supervision 2020
Senior Accredited Member of the National Counselling Society
:A sample of Additional Courses Completed
Living and Working with Dissociation - PODS
Working with Relational Trauma: Attachment and Healthy Relationships - PODS
Trauma and the Body: Somatisation and Dissociation - PODS
Understanding the Complexities of Sexual Abuse with Penny Parks
Working Therapeutically with Gender Identity - Transitions Counselling & Consultancy
Ascentis Awareness in Bereavement Care - Cruse
Ascentis Working with Groups - Cruse
On-going Telephone Support - Cruse
A Child's Grief – Cruse
The Art of Self Care CPD
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Diploma - Advanced Clinical Weight Loss Health Sciences Academy
Excel with Business - Mindfulness
Certified Life Coach - American Union of NLP
Facilitated Groupwork Training Course Cruse
Safeguarding Adults
Art Therapy Diploma - Renaissance Training Academy
Suffocation of the Soul: Compulsive Hoarding - SAC
Overcoming Trauma-Related Shame and Self-Loathing - Janina Fisher
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance - Monash University
The Human Toolbox
Shame Shields - Brene Brown
EFT Diploma - Centre of Excellence
Mindful Self Compassion
Treating Generalised Anxiety and Panic Disorders - Mindbody Breakthrough
Introduction to NLP
Dealing with Distress: Working with Suicide and Self-Harm PODS
Polyvagal Theory in Action
Single Session Therapy
Essential Supervision Skills Level 1 and 2 SDS
NLP Practitioner Training TWC
DBT level 2 - APT
Emotional Regulation
Critical Incident Debriefing
Adult and child safeguarding (updated yearly)
The National Counselling Society and the Professional Standards Authority
The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, is an independent body; which is accountable to Parliament and is responsible for overseeing the UK's nine health and social care regulatory bodies.
The Accredited Register was set up by the Department of Health to ensure that the public are able to choose safe, ethical and competent professionals for their health and social care needs. This includes Counsellors and Psychotherapists.
I am a Senior Accredited Member of The National Counselling Society. The National Counselling Society has had its register of Accredited Counsellors accredited by The Professional Standards Authority. I meet the standards of the Accredited Register and I am authorised to display the Accredited Register logo; which evidences that Counsellors and Psychotherapists belong to a register which meets The Professional Standards Authority's rigorous standards.